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Hope Kentala
Clinic Supervisor, Braintree

Did you know Hope is from Wisconsin? If you did, I hope you are family or a friend, otherwise that’s a little weird. I know what you are probably thinking after reading the other bios up here, I’m going to make a lot of cheese and Packers jokes. Honestly, I might, so let’s get started.

Simply put, Hope is great. She is one of our best complex behavior case managers, period. Awesome energy, great attitude, and surprisingly strong (I think she can do something like 1,000 pushups... over the course of a year). Hope is a hard worker who cares deeply about her patients and their success. If you are fortunate enough to have worked with her, you know what I mean. She will go the extra mile every time to make sure that her patients have what they need.

Hope holds two bachelor’s degrees (a BA in Spanish with a concentration for Health Professionals and a BS in Speech Pathology and Audiology), but her master’s degree from MGH Institute of Health Professions wound up being the most impactful degree. Why you ask? MGH is where Hope would meet her close friend Stephanie Gaglini. Steph happens to be our Brookline Clinic Supervisor, and who referred Hope to us. Thanks, Steph!

Hope is also fluent in both Spanish and English. Her love for the Spanish language ended up presenting her with quite a dilemma. Hope knew she wanted to work here in the U.S. as a speech pathologist, but she also wanted to keep herself immersed in both Spanish and English. What to do, what to do? Well, as I’m sure you already guessed, she moved to Spain, met the love of her life, married him, and then brought him here to Boston. Problem solved.

Our Braintree clinic is very fortunate to have Hope there leading the way! Thank you Hope for all your hard work!

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